(480) 680-7432


希尔欧洲杯开户官网官网 has a dedicated team of spousal support lawyers who will work with you to ensure that a fair spousal support agreement is achieved. 我们的配偶抚养律师专门处理家庭法案件. With our experience in these cases and dedication to uncovering all of the facts necessary to build a thorough case, 我们可以帮忙.


根据亚利桑那州法律A.R.S. § 25-319, ‘the court may grant a maintenance order for either spouse for any of the following reasons if it finds that the spouse seeking maintenance:’

  1. 没有足够的财产来满足他/她的合理需要
  2. 不能通过适当的就业实现自给自足, or is the custodian of a child whose age or condition prevents the spouse from working outside the home, 或者在劳动力市场上缺乏自给自足的赚钱能力
  3. 对教育有重大的经济或其他贡献, 培训, 职业技能, 另一方的职业或赚钱能力
  4. had a marriage of long duration and is of an age that may prevent the spouse from gaining employment adequate to be self-sufficient; or
  5. has significantly reduced that spouse’s income or career opportunities for the benefit of the other spouse.



希尔欧洲杯开户官网官网 has a dedicated team of spousal support lawyers who will work with you to ensure that


The divorce lawyers at 希尔欧洲杯开户官网官网 understand that you are going through a time of emotional




In Arizona, marriage is the same whether it involves a man and a woman or spouses of the same sex


我们离婚 & family law attorneys have successfully helped clients receive spousal support (alimony) for decades and can answer any questions you may have about the process. Call today for a free, no risk case review with one of our dedicated and caring attorneys.


If a couple settles or goes through mediation, a spousal maintenance amount is mutually agreed upon. 如果案件被提起诉讼, 法官将决定一个人是否有资格获得配偶抚养费. If a couple cannot reach a mutually satisfactory agreement, a judge will make the decision for them.

  1. 什么是“足够的财产”?”

尽管法律没有明确定义“足够的财产”,,它被理解为有足够的收入来提供个人的必需品, or sufficient property which would provide a sufficient form of income if converted into a suitable form or sold to provide a form of income. Spousal maintenance is sometimes not ordered when each spouse receives a large enough amount of community assets to provide for their financial needs.

  1. Unemployment, child who prevents spouse from working, or lack of adequate earning ability

法官将考虑当前的劳动力市场, 以及配偶的技能和经验, with special consideration given to older spouses whose main job was working as a homemaker and mothers who stayed at home during long marriages, as both age and too many years out of the job market increase the difficulty of finding work to support a comparable lifestyle to that which was enjoyed during the marriage. 除了, the custodian of a disabled or very young child may be exempt from the requirement to seek immediate employment due to the special needs of the child. Financial affidavits are usually required to prove reasonable expenses to help determine self-sufficiency based on individual incomes.

  1. 对另一方有重大的经济或其他贡献

根据最新的法律, 于2018年8月生效, 亚利桑那州立法机构已经进一步明确了这一考虑的意图. 以前, this factor was limited to specific contributions made to the other spouse’s educational opportunities only. The revision includes other ways in which a spouse can contribute to their spouse’s abilities to pay spousal maintenance, 比如培训, 职业技能, 另一方的职业或赚钱能力.

  1. 年龄和/或长期婚姻

这个决定配偶赡养费的因素是非常主观的, 就像一位法官可能认为的“长期”婚姻一样,另一位法官可能不这么认为. 没有固定的规则, 但一般来说,7年以下的婚姻被认为是短期的, 持续7年至20年的婚姻被认为是中等婚姻, 20年或更长时间被认为是长期婚姻. Age is factored in when the duration of the marriage is long enough that the person seeking spousal support may not be able to obtain employment sufficient to meet their reasonable expenses.

  1. 为了另一方的利益,大大减少了收入或工作机会

This consideration was added with the 2018 update and takes into account any sacrifices made that resulted in significantly reduced income or career opportunities for the spouse seeking spousal maintenance.


如果任何一方都没有要求配偶赡养费, 然后是将来获得配偶抚养费的权利, 对双方来说, 永远失去了.

Whether you may be subject to paying spousal support or you are seeking an award of spousal support, you can rely on of the spousal support lawyers at the 希尔欧洲杯开户官网官网 to guide you through every step of the process. Your case will be handled directly by an attorney who will keep you informed and work diligently to ensure your case has a satisfactory outcome. 今日透过电邮联络我们: (480) 637-0314 to schedule a free consultation regarding your spousal support case and learn about our flat fee agreement.










We take great pride in the representation we provide to our clients and the many great reviews that we have received. 以下是我们最近收到的一些谷歌5星评价.

这些人绝对是了不起的,负担得起的,专业的. My custody case got really complicated and tumultuous but Deborah Levine handled it amazingly well. 她的诚实、专业和态度带来了结果.

If you are in a custody battle, trust me when i say, they are the best and worth every cent.”


I just wanted to thank 约翰•希尔 and his Law Group for the great job they did on my Grandson’s case. 我很高兴给约翰打了电话..”


I retained the 希尔欧洲杯开户官网官网 for my divorce and had Keith Evans as my divorce attorney. 基思给了我很好的建议,我觉得他总是站在我这边. 他很有耐心,总是很快地回答我的问题. 他能记得我案子的细节,让我印象深刻. 以后的案子我还是会请基思来处理..”




酒后驾驶律师超过100年的综合经验,我可以得到一个CDL与酒后驾驶在亚利桑那州? The driving under the influence conviction on your record can stick with you for a long time. 你可能会想,如果你的记录上有酒后驾驶,你是否有可能获得CDL. It...


CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEYS OVER 100 YEARS COMBINED EXPERIENCE亚利桑那州非法侵入法 by 约翰•希尔 | 2021年7月20日 | Criminal Charges   Figuring out when a specific action constitutes criminal trespassing can sometimes be tricky. 稍微多一点...


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